
Showing posts from March, 2021

Production Blog: Editing

Today I did some editing for my blog, which I dot normally do this early into a project. Well, I wouldn't necessarily say early but I usually start the editing process when ive gathered all my clips This time I rememnederd what happened with my last project, sometimes I recorded some clips to be longer/shorter than they had to be and it threw off the timing a little but. To prevent that mistake here, I just started editing the clips on the scenes I already have. I think this is also beneficial because it takes a little away from the workload that comes with editing all in one. This gives me an accurate representation of how much time ive used up and how much I have left to shoot the scenes I need to shoot. And it allows me to get out some of the font ideas I planned out and how well they fit on the screen. Anyways, I starts ed with scenes 1-4 becasue those are the ones that already had finished. I used the same editing software ive been using all year, iMovie. First I imported the

Production Blog: Makeup

 So today I went ahead and went shopping for all the makeup products I needed for the second half of the opening. Granted, ia already had most of the things I needed because i'm an avid makeup user, but I aimed to go for something a little different this time so I needed more products. SO, basically the inspiration for the makeup in the second half goes something along the lines of this picture right here. *insert pic*  Since I wanted the main character to look more mature in the second half I think this is fitting. I'm going to need a darker concealer and cream contour here. I wanted to use these products to give the main character a more lifted/sculpted face to show maturity. This is also meant to show change in character as we see that she gets older. These are the products that I got to help me achieve this look. *insert pic* For reference, the are only the products that I didn't already use last time. Now, what I plan to do is start of with a primer base to give the il

Production Blog: Costumes

Today my costumes came in the mail today. So I created the outfit combination I plan to use for the second half of the opening. The items that I will be using is a navy blue plaid pleated skirt and a white chiffon top with a tweed blazer. I decided to get this outfit for my costume because in the second part of the opening the main character is supposed to be older. This is in direct contrast to the main chapters first outfit which was a lot lighter in color to symbolize youth. The first outfit was paid with short hair and half-up half-down styled hair with a blue scrunchie. In this second half there will be no scrunchie. She will have long hair this time to show growth. But since my costumes came in a little late today I decided to not do a try on and instead just show it in the picture below. I kept the schoolgirl theme the same throughout because the main character is obviously still supposed to be a student. The only difference is that she's 2 years younger than her present day

Production Blog: Music

Today, I worked on music. I already pre-selected the song I was going to have playing from when I did my script but its such along song and has multiple variations. The song I chose is Clair de Lune by Debussy. It isn't copyrighted so I don't have to request permission to use the song, which I think would take far too long to wait for approval for anyway. The full song is about 5 minutes long, which is much longer than I actually need. It was actually really easy to find the music that I wanted because I used to listen t this song frequently and it happened to be playing while I was drafting my storyboard. I thought it fit really well so I chose it. I was contemplating which part of he song I wanted to use and which parts would fit best at certain times during during the opening sequence. But I think, after listing to it a couple times today I think I want to use the first 1 minute 40 seconds and the last 20 seconds. I came to this conclusion because the song is very peaceful a

Production Blog: Filming

So, today I conducted my first filming blog. First I started with setting up the areas I was going to use to film, which was way easier and less time consuming since I did it on Friday. Then, I got into costume, which I had already planned out since Friday as well. Then, it came to makeup,, which wad the most time consuming overall. Even though I did practice what kind of look I was going for on Friday, I changed my mind a little because I didn't want the main character to look too old for her age. So, I kept the makeup simple and nothing dramatic because she's supposed to be a freshman in scenes 1-4. But, no matter how simple a look is, it still takes a long time to get done. A picture is included below. I ended up changing the hairstyle I planned as well. I was gonna have her with long hair from beginning to end but I figured that wouldn't make much sense because I plan on doing a time-skip so I used a short wig instead. I styled it in a half up- half down style with a bl

Production Blog: Preparations

 Today would be the day I started filming but due to technical difficulties I can't use the camera on my phone to record like I usually do so I got a new camera that will be coming in tomorrow. I also got a new camera because a lot of the scenes that I plan to shoot have to include my phone I them and I can't use my phone as a prop AND my filming device. Ive made my preparations for when my new camera comes though, I'll upload another filming blog on Saturday when I actually get to shoot some scenes. Today, I've cleared out the spaces that I plan to use while filming. So I cleared up the entrance to my living room and the hallway as well as my room, which ill be shooting majority of the scenes in. The camera situation is a just a minor setback but im using this as an opportunity to minimize the amount of prep I have to do on Saturday when I film. I've got images attached below of the cleaning I did. I also set out my first set of costumes. This set includes a cleate

Planning Blog: Other Info (Schedule, Location, Participants, Health and Safety)

Schedule  03/04 - 03/06: Start filming my first couple of scenes (1-4) 03/29 - 04/01: Finish filming all scenes 04/03 - 04/12: Editing will take place DATE: Location I'll be filming at my house. No other location just in my house. Participants Actors- Shantaneil Francis Nehemie Jean-Baptiste  Filming- Shantaneil Francis Editing- Shantaneil Francis Directing- Shantaneil Francis Makeup and Costume- Shantaneil Francis Safety Team- Shantaneil Francis Health and Safety To make sure that the environment tis safe, both me and the other actor will be showing our scenes from home. This is the main reason I only chose 1 location for my final product, just to minimize the risk of getting or spreading COVID. 

Final task: Title Design

Titles Fonts- The credits in my opening will be in a thick-bolded style font and will fade into whichever take I decide to insert the in. I don't plan on embedding any of my titles into the setting though, I think it may get distracting to have that mix.  The title that my opening will have is "Catfish".  It will be bolded in all caps with 2 spaces between each letter with an orange and pink color like this: C  A  T   F  I  S  H Titles will fade into the screen as the  opening  progresses. They will all have  morels  the same style as the title of  the film. They will only be visible on the screen for 3 seconds each. Depending on the scene, I'll place the titles in a different position with either color (orange or pink). The colors will not be mixed like the title. The first and last name of individual that corresponds with the title will be bolded in all capital letters with no space in between. For example: ANNIE LEONHARDT   or SASHA BRAUS

Planning Blog: Storyboarding

The following images are my storyboard plans for my film. I think this is the most important art of my planning because it's the foundation of my opening sequence. It took a really long time coming up with how I want to execute it but I think I'm happy with the way it came out, for the most part. I was sure to include 60 panels as the main character goes through her day and included where I want to place my titles (in order). For any confusion I included brief descriptions under each panel as well.   

Planning Blog: Sound and Shooting Script

  Sound and Dialogue Script Scene 1- *Music Starts Playing: Clair de lune* Liz: ugh.  Scene 2- *music continues* Liz: *cry* *slapping sounds* Liz: oh.. Liz: oh wow, they really like me! Liz: he's cute... Scene 3- *music continues* Liz: *giggles* Scene 4- *music continues* Liz: haha. Scene 5- *music continues* *phone buzzing* Liz: *yawn* *door slam* Scene 6- *music continues* *door opens* *phone buzzes* Liz: *sigh* what the hell.. *closet door opens* *clicking of hangers* Scene 7- *music continues* *laptop pings* Liz: This is starting to get really creepy... *thud* Scene 8- *music continues* *aggressive knocking* *phone buzzing* *door clicks* Scene 9- *music continues* *curtains moving sounds* Liz: Oh my God... Scene 10- *music continues* *phone buzzes* Liz: Thats enough... *laptop shut* Scene 11- *music continues*  No Dialogue Scene 12- *music stops* Liz: Not again.. Shooting Script Scene 1- -Music starts playing: Claire de lune: Debussy  -fades in to the Studio name -dissolves int