Planning Blog: Sound and Shooting Script

 Sound and Dialogue Script

Scene 1-

*Music Starts Playing: Clair de lune*

Liz: ugh. 

Scene 2-

*music continues*

Liz: *cry*

*slapping sounds*

Liz: oh..

Liz: oh wow, they really like me!

Liz: he's cute...

Scene 3-

*music continues*

Liz: *giggles*

Scene 4-

*music continues*

Liz: haha.

Scene 5-

*music continues*

*phone buzzing*

Liz: *yawn*

*door slam*

Scene 6-

*music continues*

*door opens*

*phone buzzes*

Liz: *sigh* what the hell..

*closet door opens*

*clicking of hangers*

Scene 7-

*music continues*

*laptop pings*

Liz: This is starting to get really creepy...


Scene 8-

*music continues*

*aggressive knocking*

*phone buzzing*

*door clicks*

Scene 9-

*music continues*

*curtains moving sounds*

Liz: Oh my God...

Scene 10-

*music continues*

*phone buzzes*

Liz: Thats enough...

*laptop shut*

Scene 11-

*music continues* 

No Dialogue

Scene 12-

*music stops*

Liz: Not again..

Shooting Script

Scene 1-

-Music starts playing: Claire de lune: Debussy 

-fades in to the Studio name

-dissolves into theme of the production company

-Liz walks inside of her apartment and chucks her book bag to the ground

-She walks into her room and takes off Bothe her jacket and shoes

Diegetic sound: Liz exclaims her annoyance with an "ugh"

Lighting: natural lighting from the light coming from the balcony

Scene 2-

-Liz walksovertoher desk and stares at herself in the mirror then begins to cry a little

-Diegetic sound: the sound of sobbing and small thumps

-More diegetic sound: laptop keys tapping 

-Liz Cretes a fake profile for herself under the name "Megan Kruger" with fake pictures

-She instantly gains followers and a lot of people start complimenting her fake persona

-Lighting: natural lighting from the sunlight through the curtains 

Scene 3-

-Liz goes back and forth scribbling in her notebook and texting the guy she just met 

-Diegetic sound: keyboard tapping noises and the laughs of the main character 

-Lighting: natural sunlight coming through the window

Scene 4-

-It is now nighttime and Liz is in bed texting the same guy

-When she puts her phone down to go to sleep, she receives a text at exactly midnight

-Title of the movie is displayed 

-Lighting: barely any at all, its very dark.

Scene 5-

-Scene starts in a different timeline (3 years later) with her phone buzzing from multiple texts from the same person 

-Entire scene is her getting out robed and into the bathroom to shower

-Diegetic Sound: door slam

-Lighting: natural lighting 

Scene 6-

-The phone continues to buzz as she gets out of the shower so she checks it but doesn't reply 

-pan to the closet where she picks out her uniform for the day

-Diegetic sound: closet opening 

-Lighting: natural lighting 

Scene 7-

-Her laptop starts to make noise because she's getting notifications. Th tests are from the same guy begging for her to meet up with him. Liz is disgusted by the messages while reading it. Sh Ethen notices that her camera turns on out of nowhere and immediately puts. stick y not over the camera. She backs up quickly, hitting her back on the wall.

-Diegetic sound: the laptop dinging and the thud against the wall

-Lighting: natural light from the sun through the windows

Scene 8-

-Liz slides down the wall in defeat knowing that this guy is extremely obsessed with her fake persona. She shuts her eyes and sheds a tear until she hears a violent knocking at her front door. She checks her phone and sees more messages from the guy that read "I know where you are". She quickly runs to the door and locks every single lock 

-Diegetic sound:the knocking on the for and the clicking of the locks

-Lighting: a little dim because no lights are on in the living room

Scene 9-

-Liz walks back to her room sluggishly. When she reaches inside the room she stares straight ahead. With a n eyeliner match i'll show the open curtains blowing. Next, she walks over to the curtains and looks through them (over the shoulder shot) before quickly shutting them. Then, i'll use a close up  to show the shock on her face after she closes the curtains

-Diegetic sound: Dialogue from Liz (oh my god...)

-Lighting: High-key lighting 

Scene 10-

-Liz blocks the guy on both her phone and laptop 

-Non diegetic sound: the music still playing

-Lighting: natural light 

Scene 11-

-Liz walks over to her bed and. lays on it with her phone in hand, then falls asleep

-Lighting: still naturally bright

Scene 12-

-Liz opens here ayes and notes a flash from her phone. When she flips it over texts are coming in from an unknown number that read, "Hey baby, its me. I got a new phone" 

-Diegetic sound: Dialogue-Liz says "not again"

-Lighting: natural lighting (bright)


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