Production Blog: Music

Today, I worked on music. I already pre-selected the song I was going to have playing from when I did my script but its such along song and has multiple variations. The song I chose is Clair de Lune by Debussy. It isn't copyrighted so I don't have to request permission to use the song, which I think would take far too long to wait for approval for anyway. The full song is about 5 minutes long, which is much longer than I actually need. It was actually really easy to find the music that I wanted because I used to listen t this song frequently and it happened to be playing while I was drafting my storyboard. I thought it fit really well so I chose it. I was contemplating which part of he song I wanted to use and which parts would fit best at certain times during during the opening sequence. But I think, after listing to it a couple times today I think I want to use the first 1 minute 40 seconds and the last 20 seconds. I came to this conclusion because the song is very peaceful and pretty, which is a direct juxtapose from the events occurring on the screen. But I did this on purpose because adding intense music straight from the start would give it more of a trailer vibe rather than an opening sequence. I went through a couple other options too like K-TK or Vogel im Kafig but they use copyright too. and K-TK is a little too aggressive for my final product anyway. Another song that I was planning to use was Cloud 9 by Beach Bunny because it also fits really well and isn't too overpowering. But since Beach Bunny is an indie artist I'm afraid I would have a little more trouble getting access to the song so Clair de lune is the best choice I'm left with. 


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