Title Research: Art of the Title Website

While researching titles, I also used the site, Artofthetitle.com. This website was a little difficult to use at first but I quickly got used to the format after fining exactly what I was looking for, title sequences. This site gives movie examples of title sequences with a brief description about the background of the movie. First, they'd explain the background, then show the title sequence and then provide a short but insightful analysis on it and how it was perfect opening for the contents in the movie. This format was really well thought out and I was exposed to many different examples of titles as I was browsing the site. I learned that opening sequences are meant to captivate the audience and give them an idea about what the movie will be about without being too vague or precise. Across many titles, this seems to be the one thing that doesn't change. So, even though they'll g about executing these principles in their own way, they still get their point across during the title sequence. To expand my knowledge further, I specifically researched titles that were a part of the drama genre because that's the same genre as my upcoming opening sequence.  I didn't learn anything that I didn't already know from previous research but it was definitely a helpful source in showing what makes a good title sequence. 


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