Starting the Final Task

Hello again! To reintroduce myself, my name is Shantaneil Francis. I'm a student taking AICE Media Studies AS level. Its been a while since I've uploaded a blog but now I'm here because this one is special. I'll be starting my Final Task. Now, because this is such an important project I want to address the general things regarding it. For starters, I'll be working by myself, yet again. Due to circumstances such as COVID it's harder to work with people in person. Also, its difficult to build connections with people in your class if you didn't already know them beforehand. Because of school lockdowns, a lot of us don't get the opportunity to interact with each other at all. These the lack of connections is a large part of the reason why I'm working on my own. This isn't that big of an issue for me though, I've been working by myself for every single project prior to this one. Although, it would be nice to have a partner or two, especially on a project of this magnitude but I don't mind working alone either. Ive mentioned this before, and it still rings true to this day: If you want something done right, do it yourself". I think that if I work alone, I would be able to produce my exact vision, the way I want to. Having creative freedom is something that I value greatly and working alone provides exactly that. One drawback though, is that all of the workload will be solely on me. It'll be a lot of work for one person but at least I can say that my final product is the result of my own hard work. With that being said, its been wonderful checking in again! I'll be posting more frequently from now on so, stay tuned. 


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