My Pitch

During the process of creating a pitch for my opening sequence, I came up with two that I think would be a decent fit. 

Pitch #1
  • A girl is overwhelmingly obsessed with a celebrity to the point where it takes a major negative impact on her relationships with real people. 
I wanted to do something along the lines of a stalker archetype but not in a traditional sense. So, I went with this route. A female main character would be madly obsessed with an extremely well known celebrity and would constantly spam them with comments, direct messages, emails and even goes as far as to create shrine dedicated to them. This obsession has consumed her life to the point where her relationship with her friends and family start to deteriorate because there's nothing she wants more than to be with said celebrity. So, as an opening sequence I'd put the main character's bazzarre habits on display to put emphasis on how obsessed she is with this person. Then, I'd show scenes of her slowly ignoring her family and refusing to spend time wit her friends over time. I don't think I like this pitch as much though because it doesn't really have much of a storyline that could come from it. Keeping in mind that I am doing an opening scene, it would leave the audience very confused as to where the story is going because of the 2 minute time limit. Overall, not great fit but it was the first one I came up with.

Pitch #2
  • A girl starts catfishing on the internet to cope with her crippling self confidence and faces consequences years later when her internet boyfriend demands to meet.
This pitch is my personal favorite. It's about a girl that started cat fishing men on the internet from a young age. Thinking that she'll never face the consequences, her internet boyfriend demands for them to meet up. Now she's stuck making a decision: reveal her true identity to her toxic boyfriend or come up with yet another excuse as to why she can't. It isn't the first time that he's asked her to meet up but this time he gets aggressive, threatening her if they don't meet. This pitch is my favorite because its more realistic than the first. Realistic in the sense that it's something that I know I can produce and direct myself. I don't need a lot of actors and I can shoot all the scenes without ever having to leave my house. I feel that this is the best approach for me considering the social-distancing guidelines in place right now. On top of that, it has a clear conflict in place with enough context to make the product actually seem like an opening sequence. 

Ultimately, the pitch that I've decided to go with is the second one. Like I just mentioned, this pitch would allow me to safely produce and direct from home. I really like the concept of it as well; Seeing the main character in distress over a decision that she made is entertaining to me. I feel that I can have fun with this concept because there's so many ideas that I have that I want to incorporate her to make it a good opening sequence. 


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