Genre Research: Horror

The first genre that I did research on was Horror. In the following powerpoint I discussed the various aspects f the genre along with some of my personal opinions about the genre. The first thing I talked about were the common lighting found in horror films. The ones I listed were low-key lighting, highly lighting and three-point lighting. I went on to give examples of each kind of lighting in popular horror movies like The Nun and IT. Next, I touched on the most common camera angles that can be found in the horror genre which are high angles, low angles and dutch angles. The examples are all from different films in the horror genre to emphasize that these can be found in just about any horror film. Next, I covered the common cameramovemnts which are pans, dollies and zooms. I once again provided an example for each of the three, two of them being from the popular Netflix film Bird Box and The Poltergeist. After that, I went over the common mis-en-scene which was costumes, setting and acing. The example I used for costumes was from The Nun and Dawn of the Dead where makeup and wardrobe was implemented to make the chacters look frightening. Then, in my example for setting, I used the setting of the haunted cathedral from The Nun as my example. For the purpose of the movie, I was remade to look a lot more dark and mysterious which is why I felt that it was a perfect example of setting in horror. Next, for acting I used a small clip from a horror movie, The Shining, to show that eating is an important part in all horror films. The clips how's a woman screaming because she's about to be killed; this scream was really frightening as it should be to elicit the feeling of fear in the audience. through the use of good acting, this is something that all horror films achieve. Moving onto sound, the most common are diegetic, non-diegetic, dialogue and theme. starting with diegetic sound, this is probably most common where you can visibly see the source of the sound used in a film. My next example was for non-diegetic sound, where you can't see the source of the sound you're hearing. Then there's dialogue and theme, which I provided video examples for.  Lastly, I included the elements that are commonly found in the horror genre which inlude, eerie theme music, disposable characters, the element of surprise and more. Then in my next slide I provided popular examples of films under the horror genre. My last two slides in the powerpoint contain my personal likes and dislikes when it comes to the elements of the genre.


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