Genre Research: But I'm a Cheerleader

The second film I watched was titled, But I'm a Cheerleader. Its a Drama/Comedy/Romance film about a teenage girl that was sent to a sexuality-rehabilitation center. The film is clearly satire with a dramatic plot. It starts out with the main character, Meghan, at cheer practice and after that, communicating with her "boyfriend" as he drives her home. When she arrives at home, the main conflict is introduced when she finds out thatcher parents are sending her off to ac correctional camp because they and her friends believe that she's lesbian but she wasn't. Despite her objections to going, she was still forced to. When she starts the program, another conflict is introduced when the main character develops feelings for another girl at the program but they can't be together because of their current situation. Over the course of the movie, they become closer and eventually all the teens in the program decide to sneak out for one night unfortunately, the morning after they get caught by the head of the program. This is another conflict point in the story because  the possibility of getting kicked out of the program is very high when you get caught doing something against the rules. Also, because of their their homophobic parents and lack of support from the people around them, they have nowhere to go once they've been kicked out. This is the point where the main character, Megan, gets kicked out of the program and disowned by her parent. Sh gets taken in by a homosexual couple that foster all the drop outs from the program until they're able to move out and be on their own. This is also a conflict point because she gets separated from her love interest and there's no way she can go back to the facility to see her again. But the plot twist comes in when the gay couple that's fostering them lend a helping hand to free a few of the teens from the program. The main character obviously goes back for her main love interest, which is great because she thought she was never going to see her again. After their mini d mission of freeing Megan's love interest, they do end up together which ultimately resolves the main conflict while getting rid of the other little ones too. I really enjoyed this movie and I think it was a great satirical piece with a lot of drama and a cute love story to go with it. As for it following the conventions of a drama film, I think iid a pretty good job for a films that's classified with so many different genres. It was is in a narrative structure, had multiple conflicts and a big plot twist at the end.  I really like the inclusion of these elements because it makes the film just that much more enjoyable. Other than that, I can't say I particularly dislike about it. It was a great movie and an excellent example of drama. 


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