Genre Research: Lady Bird

 The last drama film I watched was Lady Bird. It's a Drama/Comedy and the drama side seems to shine through a lot more here. It's a narrative in the perspective of the main character, Christine "Lady Bird" McPherson. She strives to attend a prestigious college. Unfortunately, her grades aren't the best and she comes from an extremely low income family that's situation increasingly gets worse because her father lost his job. Because of her obsession with going to a prestigious university's, she's willing Tod o everything she can, including betray even her closest friend to make connections. Throughout the course of the movie she and her best friend are seen doing almost everything together but once Lady Bird sets her sight on something new, she often compromises the relationship with her best friend to get it. This creates a major conflict from the start where she slowly but surely changes up her personality to appeal to whoever she's trying to impress. This conflict gets increasing worse throughout the show because she meets a lot of new people senior year that she wants to impress. One of these people is a guy that her best friend took a personal interest in; Lady Bird started dating him despite knowing her best friend's feelings and then he ends up cheating on her with a guy. This is also another conflict in the story because all the character go a a highly religious catholic school where homosexuality is frowned upon. She then meets one of the most popular girls in school and then turns on her favorite guidance counselor to appeal to the popular girl. After this she ditches her best friend(they were supposed to go to an audition together) to hang out with the popular girl instead and to meet up with another guy. These repeated offenses end up creating conflict between her best friend. At the end of the movie she apologizes when she's about to head off to her dream college where things aren't as sweet as she thought they'd be. 


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