Genre Research: Everything Everything

The first movie I watched for genre research is a drama film called Everything, Everything. I paid close attention to the plot and all the things that would classify it as of the drama genre. The story was structured as a narrative, in the point of view of the main character, Madeline, as she goes through many conflicts to find a resolution to the main conflict. This is a common characteristic of the drama genre, the film being structured as a narrative. When I first started the movie the main conflict was introduced right off the bat, she was diagnosed with an extreme case of immunodeficiency and was not allowed under any circumstances to leave her home. After meeting the new guy next door and falling in love, this introduces another conflict in the story, how will she spend time with him? Getting tired of being in the same old environment, she decides to purchase plane tickets to Hawaii, without her overprotective mother's permission, for herself and her love interest after her 18th birthday. Of course, she isn't allowed to go outside or else she will fall extremely ill so this is yet another conflict introduced to the story; will she make it to and back from Hawaii alive and well? The answer is no. She ends up falling ill while on her trip where she was taken back to her home in Southern California by her mother. After becoming very sick after each encounter that she has with her boyfriend, she decides to break thing off with him for her own good, or so she thought. At this point in the film, there's a major plot twist when the main character gets a call from the hospital in Hawaii and the nurse informs her that she doesn't have this rare immunodeficiency disorder that her mom told her she has. At this point, she comes realize that her 18 years how life have been stolen by her selfish mother that was so overprotective that she convinced herself and her daughter that she was chronically ill. This is where the resolution of the conflict comes in when the main character confronts her mother about the situation. In the end, all is well again when the main conflict gets resolved and the main character goes to New York to meet up with the love of her life, yet again. I think this film follows a lot of the typical conventions of a drama and includes all the elements that would classify it as one-with the multitude of conflicts introduced, and a major plot twist at the end of the story. I particularly really enjoyed the introduction of conflict after conflict because I always find it it intriguing to see how a main character will resolve all of them. As for the elements that I didn't like, there's nothing about this movie that I didn't like.I like everything about the drama genre so I have no complaints here. 


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