Genre Decision

Upon adequate research, I've decided to make my title sequence of the Drama genre. I feel that based on the pitch I chose, It would be best to make it a drama rather than anything else. Other genres that I've researched like horror and action don't necessarily fit the concept I'm going for either. Drama contains a lot of the elements that I want to implement in my title sequence. For example, high stakes and a lot of conflict. In my title sequence I want to add a glimpse of all the conflicts that our main character is going through. I want the audience to be able to tell that the rest of the movie will follow an intricate plot. Dramas often have a main character that is highly emotionally-driven, which is also something I want to incorporate into my upcoming project. Since this is only a title sequence, I don't want to try to force too many elements of the genre in there, but just enough for the audience to know that it will be a drama film. Although, It would be beneficial to put In as many as I can, I just don't want to over-do it. Anyhow, I chose this genre not inly because feel that it is most fitting but also because its my favorite genre. Drama films tend to back to packed with an intense plot, which a I personally enjoy. I think that choosing this genre will make the production of my title sequence a little more enjoyable since I like this particular genre. I was honestly also contemplating making it a horror film too. I figured that the I could very well raise he steaks of the plot I had in mind and have the main character's boyfriend threaten and kill some of her family members to make it a horror film. I think this would've been a little harder to pull off through because this would be something I'd have to include in my opening sequence. I don't have enough actors or resources to make something like that happen so I think the best thing for me to do is to stick with the drama genre. This pretty much sums up my thought process leading up to my conclusion of making my opening sequence a part of the drama genre. 


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