My Prom Queen Music Video

This is my music video for the song, Prom Queen by Beach Bunny. This project took a really long time to get together and I'm so glad it turned out almost like I had it planned in my head. It feels like I've been working on this for such a long time even though its only been about two weeks, to be honest. Much like my last project, this was such a learning experience for me. Ive learned from my shortcomings last time and purchased tripod to help me capture better scenes this time around. This made my filming process much easier than before. I was able to shoot all of my scenes without assistance and I'm really proud of that. Throughout this project my editing skills have gotten much better too. I was able to make my video flow really well together with minimal transitions. I ended up not adding transitions between every scene because some of them didn't really need it. I felt that it looked better without transitions in some places. Although I am proud of my video, there are definitely some things that I could have done differently. For example, the location wasn't necessarily ideal. On the other hand, shooting in my bedroom added a more home-y feel to the music video which is much like the original music video. So, in a way I guess it worked out. Another thing I wish I would've done was get better lighting. It isn't incredibly noticeable but in the beginning parts of the music video the lighting was poor because it was starting to get dark outside. I wasn't adjusted to the new times so it was shocking to me that it started getting dark at around 4:30pm. If I was aware of the new times I would've purchased a light on Amazon. Unfortunately, it was a little too late for that and I was already days behind on filming. Other than that, I think everything went exactly as planned. But due to the little mishaps here and there, I now see the areas that I need to improve in. I need to work on sticking to my plan and my storyboard. I ended up changing the orientation of one of the scenes last minute while I was filming because it wasn't coming out the way I wanted it to. And I think that's fine but I changed the orientation of not one but two scenes (2nd and 13th). This could become a problem in the future where I deviate so far from my storyboard that you'd never even guess that the video was based on it. I will put more thought into storyboarding next time so that this issue doesn't get worse. All in all, I'd like to say that I'm proud of my work once again and I hope I can take this project and apply what I've learned in future ones. 


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