Coca Cola Commercial

This is my first project uploaded to my blog, my coca-cola commercial. For my first big project, I think I did well with the resources I had. Ive definitely learned a lot throughout the whole filming and editing process as well. Im proud of the work I've done here and I think the outcome was okay. I'm aware that there are improvements that could be made but I feel that this is just the start and I'll only get better. Even though the result isn't exactly what I planned, it wasn't bad by any means, its just that some areas weren't as good as they could have been. One thing that I would've done differently were the choice of score. The score by far was the biggest issue for me because it more so matched the contents of the commercial at the end rather than the beginning.  Also, I feel that brighter locations would've been better looking in the commercial but I had to make do with what I had available to me at the time. Other than that, I am satisfied with the way that the rest turned out. Like I previously mentioned, everything about this project has given me an opportunity to learn something new. While looking up the conventions of coca-cola commercials, I learned how greatly placements of logos and theme colors affect the commercial as a whole and how upbeat music can give a commercial feel-good vibes. During storyboarding, I learned the importance of the order your scenes are in. Depending on what order you chose your scenes to be in, it can make or break the storyline of your commercial. While planning, I learned the importance of having a backup plan. I never thought I would have to resort to my backup plant I did because it rained on the say I was supposed to be filming. In the filming process, I realized how difficult it is to get good shots without the use of a tripod or something to hold the camera. I often found myself using household items like books and coffee mugs to hold up my phone while recording. During editing, I learned how to edit the score to a certain volume so that its not too loud or mixing poorly with the existing sound in the clips. All in all, I really enjoyed taking part in this project and I've gained not just knowledge but experience as well. 


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